Installation instructions Bluetrek G2 headset using Bluetooth
© Gijsbert van der Linden ()
Infralin Consultancy (
Last updated: 9-9-2004
OS: Windows XP Sp2
Dongle used: Sitecom CN-502
Phone used: Nokia 6310i
Bluetooth headset used: Bluetrek G2
Installation of headset in combination with PC
Make sure the Sitecom drivers are installed on the PC.
Set the headset in discovery mode by pushing the main button for about 5 seconds till the led start flashing red/blue.
On the PC double click My Bluetooth Places.
Click Search for devices in range.
Put the headset at a distance of at least 1 meter (in my case it wasn’t discovered if I placed it close to the PC).
When the BlueTrek G2 Audio Headset icon appears, right-click it and select Pair Device.
Enter 0000 as the PIN code and click OK.
A red mark should now be placed in the headset icon.
Right-click the headset icon and select Connect.
You should hear now a ringtone in your headset.
On the headset press the main button.
If you now start an audio application on the PC it will use the headset.
Be aware that applications that were already started before you connected the headset will keep on using the default audio device (typically the build-in speakers and microphone). In many applications you can select your audio input and output device explicitly (for example in TeamSpeak through Settings / Options). The device to select in that case is Bluetooth Audio. Also be aware that you might have to change settings in the Windows Volume Control.
Connect the headset to the PC later on
If the headset is also paired with a phone, make sure on the phone Bluetooth is switched off.
Switch the headset on and wait till it doesn’t beep anymore (that is the time it is searching for the phone).
Open My Bluetooth Places.
If the Bluetrek G2 Audio Headset icon does not appear, click Search for devices in range.
Right-click the headset icon and select Connect.
You should now hear a kind of ringtone in your headset repeatedly.
On the headset press the main button.
Installation of the headset in combination with the phone
Set the headset in discovery mode by pushing the main button for about 5 seconds till the led start flashing red/blue.
On the phone select the Bluetooth menu option and turn it on.
Select Bluetooth / Search for Audio Accessories (second menu option under Bluetooth).
Enter 0000 as the password.
Connect the headset to the Phone later on
On the phone turn Bluetooth on.
Switch the headset on.
To switch from PC usage to phone usage and vice versa
Make sure the phone is paired as the last device (the Bluetrek headset searches for the device last paired when it is switched on).
Switch off the headset.
If you want to connect with the PC make sure on the phone Bluetooth is turned off.
Connect the required device to the headset as described above.